Cleaning After the Holidays

5 Tips for Cleaning Up After the Holidays

Give your home a fresh start in time for the New Year by cleaning the house once holiday meals are over, guests have gone and presents have been put away. This also keeps you from being the neighbor who still has strings of outdoor Christmas lights up on Valentine's Day.

In this section DaSilva Cleaning Services shares the tips you need to efficiently outro the holidays and ring in the new year in a clean and organized fashion.

How It's Done
Make the transition quickly and cleanly by:
  • Saying goodbye to unwanted gifts. It's the thought that counts, but don't let good intentions give your post-holiday house additional clutter. Make a clean break and return gifts that didn't work out. If it would be easier and appropriate, consider giving those gifts to the charity of your choice.
  • Collecting holiday cards. Go through the cards you got in the mail and make a list of who sent them to you. Use this as the start to your Christmas card list for next year. Then recycle cute cards by cutting the images, attaching string and using them as free gift tags.
  • Cleaning the guest bedroom. Wash the bed sheets in warm or hot water with a capful of white vinegar to ensure they are fresh. While sheets are in the dryer, use your vacuum’s upholstery attachment to clean the mattress thoroughly, paying special attention to the seams. Replace the bedding and fluff the pillows to make your next guests comfortable.
  • Taking down those lights. When you do, you'll save yourself time next year if you put them away using one simple trick: Wrap strings of lights around a piece of cardboard or a paper towel tube to keep them organized and easy to unravel next season.
  • Coordinating Christmas tree take-down and curbside pick-up. When is your trash pickup service collecting Christmas trees? Find out, so you can get your tree curbside in accordance with the collection times.

Of course, you may have better things to do than deep cleaning the house – like spending time with family and friends. Request a free house cleaning estimate from DaSilva Cleaning Services today.